Tuesday, 21 January 2014

The Critics: Reading the Religious Text a New Approach from Shahrour

Shahrour said: "I concluded that there is no basis in the Qur’an for predestination. The only predestination that exists is the universal laws for all humanity. Such as the one who rules that everyone will die. It is not defined in advance how long each one will live, but it is only written that everyone will die some day." - Quote from "Reading the Religious Text."

I'm sorry professor. I think this problem about communication between God Allah want and humanity.  Some time the man- I think human—cannot understanding about God with the destiny (say: taqdir). God can do as he will without human need and want desire.  

Like some prophet Muhammad desire to get Islamic brothers from he’s uncle (Abi Thalib). God Allah has been saying in the Qur’an with al-Isra’ (17): 15. Noah and the community destroyed by water flooding. And Allah said the guidance has been give to all human, that human will say thanks or not. Abi thalib like Noah community perspective about guidance and his not follow it.

Some time I think Allah not be fair, too. I see the human born without hand and foot. Is God Allah wrong creating a human body? Or he “stupid” like failed product a manufacturing process? No. Allah never looks a human destiny and perspective as something to create.    

Example sick and/or death case, which everyone avoids but them also coming without human destiny how many hard the human keep it. So, if you ask advance how long each one will live, that same you ask “how I am can be God Allah?”   


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